libarxx Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Arxx::ArchiveThe Arxx::Archive class is a container for an arbitrary amount of Arxx::Item objects
Arxx::Archive::const_iteratorAn iterator class defining basic operations to iterate the Arxx::Item objects in an Arxx::Archive
Arxx::Archive::iteratorAn iterator class defining basic operations to iterate the Arxx::Item objects in an archive
Arxx::ArchiveHeaderThe representation of an archive's header in a file
Arxx::bad_file_formatAn exception class indicating an invalid file format in an ARX archive
Arxx::BufferThe core class of the Buffer
Arxx::Buffer::MarkerA marked position in a buffer, changing with content changes
Arxx::Buffer::SubBufferThis class represents a sub buffer and its maintainance information inside a superior buffer
Arxx::BufferReaderImplements a convenient output interface for Arxx::Buffer
Arxx::BufferWriterImplements a convenient input interface for Arxx::Buffer
Arxx::bzlib_errorAn exception class indicating that the bzlib library reports an error
Arxx::ContextGathers information about a merging process
Arxx::DataA buffer with compression, decompression and external data referencing features
Arxx::DataChannelAn abstract class defining the interface for data sources
Arxx::DataRepositoryThis class is a global player helping Arxx::Item and Arxx::Archive objectst to fetch their data
Arxx::DefaultItemFactoryThe standard ItemFactory created by every library that has no other ItemFactory set
Arxx::file_errorAn exception class indicating that an error occured while reading or writing from or to a file
Arxx::id_not_uniqueAn exception class indicating that a given ID is not unique
Arxx::ItemThe Arxx::Item is the basic class for any data storaging
Arxx::ItemFactoryAn abstract definition of an item factory
Arxx::ItemHeaderThe memory representation of a single item
Arxx::LocalArchiveChannelAn class to fetch data from a local ARX archive file
Arxx::ReferenceInstances of this class represent items either by unique ID or if known by pointer
Arxx::ReferenceImplementationThe real Arxx::Item reference used by Arxx::Reference to implement shared references
Arxx::RuleA class representing a matching rule in the merging process
Arxx::StructureThe structure of a ARX archive is saved inside these objects
Arxx::Structure::const_iteratorAn iterator class defining basic operations to iterate the Relation objects in a Structure
Arxx::Structure::iteratorAn iterator class defining basic operations to iterate the Relation objects in a Structure
Arxx::Structure::RelationThe object that holds references to other items
Arxx::Structure::Relation::const_iteratorAn iterator class defining basic operations to iterate the Reference objects in a Relation
Arxx::Structure::Relation::iteratorAn iterator class defining basic operations to iterate the Reference objects in a Relation
Arxx::URIA URI class
Arxx::zlib_errorAn exception class indicating that the zlib library reports an error

Generated on Tue Oct 10 11:34:28 2006 for libarxx by  doxygen 1.4.7